ChronoCosmonomy Introduction and Compilation 2022



The thing about Time, in the Absolute denotation, is that it exists, yet simultaneously it does not exist. One perception does not negate the other perception. Especially not from the perspective of the perceiver, stuck in the relative-time frame of reference. In the Absolute-Time frame of reference, if you can imagine my thought-experiment, time exists, obviously – it is constant and it never changes. Absolute Time is a foundation and it is fundamental to the existence and stability of the Universe. It is one of the major and primary forces, Time and Space, Absolute Time and Absolute Space.

Here is a riddle of the … what came first, the chicken or the egg???





An enduring myth about the Moon is that it doesn't rotate. While it's true that the Moon keeps the same face to us, this only happens because the Moon rotates at the same rate as its orbital motion, a special case of tidal locking called synchronous rotation”.3











capitulo-asteroid belt


FOUR year orbit


High-value minerals metals exploitation prospectively. Governmental agencies are announcing plans to do a highly detailed probe.
































For example, the star, Betelgeuse…



























notes: review (bibliographical) of Library books during this energized, motivated research session.

  1. The Codex Perez and The Book of Chilam Balam of Mani

    1. translated and edited by Craine and Reindorp

      1. 1979, University of Oklahoma Press

        • Calendar, Maya

  2. Empires of Time; calendars, clocks, and cultures (revised edition)

    1. Anthony Aveni

      1. 2002, University Press of Colorado

        • Time

        • Archaeoastronomy

          • in the Greek theogony, zeus slays Typhoeus.

          • cf. in babylonian Enuma Elish, marduk slays Tiamat

          • Ea, like Kronos, represents Time-itself

          • Indian calendar, Sanskrit, knowing of a conjunction of all visible planets in Aries, 3100BC/feb/17-18/midnight

          • mayan calendar equates most-recent Creation fom 3113BC/aug/11

  3. Eclipses of the Sun

    1. Samuel Alfred Mitchell

    2. University of Virginia

      1. 1951, Columbia University Press

      2. 1969 reprinting, Greenwood Press Publishers

        • Astronomy historical

          • Chinese astronomy: “According to the very competent authority Oppolzer, this eclipse took place on October 22, 2137BC, about 1400 years more remote ((earlier than)) than that recorded by any other nation”. Solar Eclipse Total? Recorded in Chinese classic book, Shu Ching

  4. Kepler’s Physical Astronomy

    1. Bruce Stephenson

      1. 1987, Princeton University Press

        • Astronomia nova

  5. Three Copernican Treatises

    1. Copernicus

    2. translated with intro and notes by Edward Rosen

      1. 1959, Dover publications, inc.

        • heliocentric

  6. Is pluto a planet

    1. David A. Weintraub

      1. 2007, princeton university press

        • review of all planets, history of astronomy

I am indebted to all those who came before me, as I have earnestly, accurately and appropriately/properly and logically have utilized their findings/data as well as their own theoretical resultant systems, in order to meticulously construct a complex conglomeration which shall sufficiently and expediently explain and demonstrate my new and compounded propounding for here and now.

Proto-ChronoCosmonomy: starts with the long-term question of the total mystery of the universe, something like, “What is at the center of the Cosmos?”.

The Laws of ChronoCosmonomy

  1. ChronoCosmonomic Law of Absolute Time: [confirming the Time Scholium of Sir Isaac Newton, with a further refinement of definition] The universe in which we inhabit (i.e. the reality in which we are immersed) is fundamentally structured upon two eternal/infinite forces, described ineffably as the forces of omnipotentiality, the proto-physical foundation of the cosmos, the dualistic forces denoted in the current-contemporary, common English words: #1. Time (ancient Greek - chronos) and #2. Space [see, Law #II]. These forces are primordial and pre-existent by their nature and are paraphysical (literally, beyond the physical). In contradistinction to the vulgar mode of the practice of Time-usage, the Absolute Time, also labeled as the True Time and as Duration, is described as: fundamental, foundational, primordial, eternal, infinite, omnipotent, and all-pervasive, existing independently, without effect from anything else, yet influencing all other things, including the sheer, basic perpetuation of physicality of matter, energies, everything essentially, and most especially, that of motion. All things in the cosmos, each and every phenomena, must be based upon the stable and true foundation, as in the premise of “an unmoved mover”, such is the Absolute Time, for all intents and purposes within Science. In comparison, there is the Relative/Common Time, which is derived from our human perception of the Absolute Time and is that which serves as the basis of our measurements of time, because that is what-time-is to us, i.e. the measuring of time is time. This is as near to the absolute that human senses and conceptualization can approach (from the point of view of our limited non-omniscience) - the measurement technology which is dependent on relative motions, such as the Sun, the Moon, and any other celestial orb, is providing derivative permutations of our minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc. If there existed no “superior” Time underlyinginferior” time, how could there be the inferior time we experience in a mortal perception, from whence could that small portion of time emanate? Rationally speaking, any portion of time must be a particle from the immeasurable entire body of time; it would seem to be prima facie eveidence. Obviously, there is the Absolute Time, along with its constant orderly flow, eternally and infinitely, everywhere and in everything.

    (caveat, To not accept this truth and to deny it, is the folly of fools who are extremely arrogant. There is some kind of arrogance and pride to refuse to accept the supernatural and para-mathematical enigma of Absolute Time, such wanton ignorance is beyond forgivability).

    1. More so, in the supra-philosophical teachings of Kyyboa, this Absolute Time in its Supreme and Almighty position is the cause and the creator of our humanly-experienced function of memory and therefore the building blocks of our consciousness itself, entirely and wholistically. That process of thinking and speaking and doing, which is ubiquitous to Life and so taken for granted – until pointed-out and brought to the awareness, is what it is by being completely and fully dependent upon the invisible and constant Absolute Time. Complain to a Kyyboan master that Memory is not dependent upon Time and furthermore that Time does not exist, then try to pretend you can carry on a scientific debate upon that supposition. It cannot be done! Therefore without this “force”, this “entity”, there would/could never have been Life, neither Thought, nor Mind, nor Science, and even merely the wherewithal to enunciate this very Law contained in this book of ChronoCosmonomy would be rendered impossible; in the obverse, positively-speaking, as a result of this “force” of Time, there can-be and is-made-possible the sum-total of all the experience of Life, Thought, Mind, Science, and the Law of ChronoCosmonomy.

    2. There is logical and mathematical reasoning as to why this Law of Time has been listed in-order as the First Law.

    3. Observing the evidence of the Absolute Time and seeking of it, to be the proven standard, dependable, exactitude of constant rate and pace, internally and without respect to physical motions of celestial orbs or upon the orbs themselves, we probed into the smallest, microscopic inner depths of the atomic core of certain elements and its inherent radioactive vibrations; these are half-lives, a decay and duration, mathematically. And yet it goes deeper than that.

  1. ChronoCosmonomic Law of Absolute Space:

    confirming the Space theory of Isaac Newton, with a further refinement of definition…

    Theory: ChronoCosmonomy of CosmoGenesis of Galactic Systems

    1. First Law: Galaxies are the primary, large-scale, physically-existent conglomerated-objects in space, having enormous, virtually-infinite energies and materials, inherently spinning around its galactic-center, upon a generally-flat disc (ecliptic) generated by its perpetual motion, usually forming as a spiral shape, composed of a core of mass and multiple spiral arms.

    2. Second Law: the Galactic core contains a structure composed of “black holes”, which are projecting “worm holes” (via a sort of space-warping by quantum gravitational extremes), which then are spawning “white holes” along the galactic-arms’ periphery.

    3. Third Law: within the black hole, condensed, supersaturated, collapsing mass (at a quantum level of conditions) does force “a pin-hole” into the fabric of Space, thereby creating “a permanent center”, which will eventually transmit along the course of the worm hole.

    4. Fourth Law: the worm hole transmits/transfersblack hole mass” out to the corresponding white hole, which is emitting that ultra-condensed mass from black holes, into the subsequent process of expansion; this mass (of recycled matter) becomes the new celestial orbs.

    1. First Law Corrolary: Stellar Systems exist as small-scale versions of the Galaxies with same energy and matter, which are generated with the spinning motion of the expanding mass manifesting from the hole/center which emerged from the white hole. This is the embryonic celestial orb.

    2. Celestial Orbs emerge from a white hole, orbs always contain a center, originating as that central point, which had been created at the corresponding black hole (cf. ChronoCosmonomic Law of CosmoGenesis Third Law).

  2. ChronoCosmonomic Law of Celestial Orbs and Their Motions

    1. First Law: Celestial Orbs have a first motion [theoretically, which originates from itshyperspace”, spiraling transference through the worm hole], this is essentially the Original Rotation, which is an “internalizing motion”, rotating in and around its center with equal force in all directions. This first/primal motion is now known as ‘”x”’. In general, the orb in the system having the slowest rotation is the one which is oldest.

    2. Second Law: Celestial Orbs’ first motion will always beget a second motion; which is essentially the Original Revolution, which is a “directional motion”, revolving outwardly from the point of origin, which is the white hole, in its ever-widening circle (unless/until acted upon by other celestial orbs).

    3. Third Law: Celestial Orbs can/will gain a third motion, which is known as Orbital Motion. This is a derived motion from the interaction of multiple celestial orbs, basically creating the status of satellites.

    4. Fourth Law:

    5. Fifth Law:

    6. Sixth Law: Celestial Orbs can be spawned from Stellar Celestial Orbs (of which the Earth is a our primary example).

    7. Celestial Orbs can generate an energy field of electro-magnetism, based upon the combined gain from various motions.

  3. ChronoCosmonomic Law of Cosmic Macro-Micro-levels’ Infinite Perpetuatum

    1. First Law: observational probing at the most extreme maximum-of the Macrocosmic scale i.e. the extragalactic level of the universe, and the extending of that observation unto the furthest, infinite distances of time and space, which ultimately results in the Third Law.

    2. Second Law: observational probing at the most extreme maximum-of the Microcosmic scale i.e. the subatomic level of the universe, and the extending of that observation unto the smallest, infinitesimal depths of time and space, which ultimately results in the Third Law.

    3. Third Law: the Macrocosmic principle (First Law) and its resultant observations will inevitably connect with the Microcosmic principle (Second Law) and its resultant observations, and vice versa; i.e. the Macrocosm joins with the Microcosm AND the Microcosm joins with the Macrocosm, at which penultimate point, they meet and they are virtually “the same”, indistinguishable. This metaphysical meeting place of the absolute-extremes is likened to the mathematical abstract-object which is the Moebius Strip, wherein its strip twists around and meets its own self, an infinite/never-ending loop.

      1. Third Law Corrolary: this law is akin to the ChronoCosmonomic Laws of Cosmogenesis, wherein the black hole and white holes are joined, linking the infinitely-contracting with the infinitely-expanding.

  4. ChronoCosmonomic Law of Oscillation and Beginnings and Endings

The Saros Cycle

The Lunar Metonic Cycle


The Lunar Kalippic Cycle

The Lunar Standstill Cycle

is the Lunistice terminology “official” Is it worthy to mention as a cycle term or updated Law??

The Lunar Kyyboa Cycle

(new cycle, as discovered by Tasciotti, P.Ed. research circa 2014-2019 and fundamentally developed throughout 2020-2022 and after which published and being taught as a new branch of Science in the Interdisciplinary method)

1Professor of Philosophy at New York University and author of Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity. He is the founder and director of the John Bell Institute for the Foundations of Physics.

2Those interested and prospective students of the mapcharts methodology are welcome to enquire by contacting the author via email or going to the website…

3Quote from NASA website.

4These times are according to the data provided by website.


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